Not only have I been able to be a scout but I've been able to participate as a scout leader and watch boys become men through the help of the scouting program.
Not a day goes by that I don't use something I learned from scouting. My true love of the outdoors was developed through scouting and I often recollect many scout trips and burnt marshmallows. As a scout I learned how to tie the Bowline Knot, make a wilderness camp, start a fire with a magnifying glass, to do a good turn daily, and to always be prepared! Through countless merit badges I developed many skills and opportunities to be exposed to different situations that prepared me for life. Through awkward years as a teenager scouting taught me most about what I was capable of, what I loved, and gave me the confidence to stand up for what is right.
Some of my favorite campouts were going to Packsaddle Lake, Treasure Mountain Scout Camp, The Big Eddie, Hebdgen Lake, Green Canyon, and Palisades Lake. I still remember sleeping under a tarp in the middle of winter at Mike Harris Campground waking up to frozen boots in the middle of a blizzard. Another time at the Big Eddie getting eaten alive by mosquitos and sneezing my guts out from allergies. Fishing at Packsaddle Lake and almost watching a forest fire get started there in a wind storm. Jumping off the rope swing in 40 degree water and talking in the tent all hours of the night about the most random stuff. Winning the Battle of the Tetons at scout camp numerous years with Troop 89 and lugging the daily ration of food from the mess hall in a milk crate up a narrow and windy trail back to camp.
Countless volunteer hours were put in by many parents and scout leaders that understood the value of a scout to his country and community and made my scouting experiences some of the fondest times of my life. Some of the leaders and volunteers I remember among many are my Dad (Kerry Buxton), my Mom (Kathy Buxton), Mark Wade, Troy Harris, Randy Berry, Syd Thompson, Greer Jones, Harold Robison, Dave Richardson, Randy Burnside and many many others.
As a scout is where I learned to develop leadership skills and how to always leave things better than you found them. We learned by memory that a scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. We learned how to be self sufficient and to be an asset to our communities as we always were taught to look for opportunities to serve and give. One of my most favorite things I learned as a scout among tying knots and how to camp was dutch oven cooking. Even the nastiest food tasted good on a campout and our leaders were brave enough to let us cook and teach us how.
What a great experience to be able to camp with my Dad and Brother while developing life long friendships with my fellow scouts and leaders.
I carry with me in my wallet everyday my Eagle Scout card reminding me that once a scout always a scout and it is one of my most prized possessions. Reach out and get involved in scouting in your community and make sure to take your kids to scouts especially when they don't want to!!! They'll thank you later and you won't have to worry about your kids wandering the streets when they're sitting around a campfire or playing night games in the woods! If the scouting program in your area isn't what you'd like it to be, step in and make it what it can be.
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